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North East Leith Cluster

Sleep in an important part of both our physical and mental health and it can be very distressing if this cycle is disturbed. The resources below are aimed to help you experience better sleep.


Helps users quickly quiet their mind, fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed. (From NHS England Apps website)

Mon - Thurs

Services include sleep support line, sleep counselling for families of children with additional support needs and parent workshops (GP or self referral)

App (NHS Funded)

Sleepio is an online programme to help those with insomnia. It is based on CBT principles and has a strong evidence base. It is a structured programme taking place over 6 weeks.


Advice, education or support for children, teenagers, adults, workplaces or professionals.

Helpline 03303 530 541 (Sun -Thurs, 7-9pm)

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