North East Leith Cluster
A service available to all patients registered with a GP in Scotland. Pharmacies are able to offer treatment for a wide range of conditions some of which are listed below.
Allergies - over 1 years old
Athlete’s foot
Backache - with no other concerning features
Blocked or runny nose - if symptoms of COVID-19 please follow national guidance
Cold sores
Constipation - with no other concerning features
Cough - if symptoms of COVID-19 please follow national guidance
Cystitis/UTI - 16 - 65 years (birth sex female) except pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic, immune dysfunction or recurrent
Diarrhoea - over 1 unless pregnant or unwell
Earache - unless unwell, discharge or significant hearing change
Hayfever - over 1 years old
Head lice
Headache - if symptoms of COVID-19 please follow national guidance
Haemorrhoids (piles) - all over 18 years unless unwell or blood mixed in with stool
Impetigo - unless extensive or recurrent in last 3 months
Indigestion - over 12 years and no other concerning features
Mouth ulcers
Period pain - over 10 years and primary menstrual pain
Nappy rash - unless signs of infection
Scabies - over 2 years old
Sore throat - if symptoms of COVID-19 please follow national guidance
Threadworms - over 2 years
Thrush - 16 - 60 years with no more than 2 recurrences in last 6 months
Warts - except face and genital areas