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North East Leith Cluster

Additional resources and support for those living with a disability.


Support families of children, young people & adults with disabilities (play-schemes, 1:1 and family support) in the Lothians and Falkirk.


Working to give children and young people with disabilities access to sport, leisure and outdoor adventure.

Offering specialist expertise to empower disabled people to take up their rights and entitlements

Mon - Fri

Advice and information on services for children with special needs and their carers.



Practical and emotional support, information and advice on difficulties with learning including dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, autism spectrum, and related mental health and wellbeing issues, for young people up to the age of 25.


Service support people with long term health conditions with self management programmes, support for independent living and young people with disabilities.

Disability: Schedule
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